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IFIAR - Izsledki tretje raziskave o inšpekcijskih ugotovitvah za leto 2014. Prenovljena Direktiva in nova Uredba o obveznih revizijah. Tudi v sanaciji bank ne smemo mešati jabolk in hrušk. Povzetek ugotovljenih kršitev pravil revidiranja. Revizijska stroka, poročilo ROSC. Uporaba piškotkov na naši spletni strani.
Post Grado en Contabilidad con Enfasis en NIIF para Pymes. En el mundo actual, cada día es más necesario para las personas tomar decisiones financieras, ya sea personales o en relación con sus negocios.
Have around for a while. The acronym IFRS stands for International Financial Reporting Standards. The acronym GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
A comprehensive, integrated curriculum of 25 online self study courses developed with input from subject matter experts from around the world. IASB addresses uncertainty in accounting for income taxes. September 12, 2017 - The IASB on Tuesday released for comment a set of proposed IFRS statement amendments that would help companies distinguish accounting policies from accounting estimates. New IASB standard aims for consistent reporting for insurers.
Global Standards for the world economy. Work plan for IFRS Standards. Attend a conference or workshop. 2017 IFRS Standards Red Book. Who we are and what we do. Who uses IFRS Standards? Work plan for IFRS Standards. Advisory Council meeting April 2017.
Ve společnosti LVC, s. Sledujeme vývoj těchto pravidel a aktivně působíme na jejich implementaci v českém prostředí. Pomáháme společnostem při sestavování účetních závěrek;. Při ověřování účetních závěrek;. Neboli Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví. 8211; působíme v oboru již šestým rokem.
Welcome to the IFRS Foundation Online Shop. Every purchase contributes to the independence and funding of the IFRS Foundation. And to its mission of developing a single set of global, high quality accounting standards. Attend a conference or workshop. Order by post, fax or email.
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Zack Zarlenga, Network Development, US Inspect. As lead attorney for the University of California, Santa Barbara, in a Construction Defect lawsuit involving a 10-year-old, 175,000 sq. Don and Linda Hayes, Santa Rosa, California.
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